The Ve'ahavta organization gives clothing
and food to the gta homeless and needy. I
pick it up directly from your place. I volunteer
with them. I, when the opportunity presents
itself, go out on the weekends to deliver
the clothing and food hand to hand.
Why this organization?
The simplest reason is that they don't resell the clothes. No dumpster bins to fill or reselling at Value Villages, the Diabetes Association or overseas, etc. It gets to the people that need it most.

Do you have any items that you could donate to the homeless?
If you're on this page then I probably know you and told you about it. That being said, I hope that we can accomplish 2 things at the same time.
1. We donate our items, time, or efforts.
2. Take a moment to simply socially interact
during our unusual times in the world.
See the list below for acceptable items and how we can connect via any of the platforms below.

**Please note** Please only donate items on the list. It makes volunteers' lives much easier to sort and give out.
You can tap on the list below to enlarge the information.

Not obligatory but I do offer a thank you to all of you.
Nothing complicated. It is a thank
you card...basically a discount card
that you can use at a variety of
business large and small in the gta.
I want to help small businesses
(being a former small business
owner) and this card is a great tool
for them to advertise themselves to
bring customers in.
You'll either get the card when I see you or it will be sent in the mail to the mailing address of your choice.
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